Tuesday, February 26, 2013

ADF: javax.faces.model.NoRowAvailableException


This error is generally thrown in case where underlying tree model is changed & component changes (i.e. expanding or collapsing of nodes) are saved in state. 

  • Approach 1
It is suggested in many blogs to clear the disclosed rowkeyset & add partial trigger on tree/treeTable component
Note: But it will work only in case where tree is already being rendered & underlining model is changed as a part of partial submission.

  • Approach 2
In case where page (having tree/treeTable component) is called again with model change. And on previous page tree nodes are expanded & collapsed randomly.
org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.TreeModel uses ComponentChangesMapForSession API to support back button behavior or to save the state of TreeTable/tree. We can manually clear the changes stored in session map for respective pages.


  1. Hi!

    Thanks for your post... I'd earlier wondered how to get the page path and figured out it was the view Id (am i right?)
    I still am running into the same exception..
    do you have any suggestions?

    Many thanks,

  2. And what is the ideal place where I'll add the Approach # 2?
    Do i do it after i create a new ChidPropertyTreeModel?

    1. I did that after populating the complete business tree & not ChildPropertyTreeModel. So you can try this, but it's prior to render. so behavior can't be predicted.
